Autumn News

Happy September Everyone! I hope you are all enjoying this marvelous weather and these beautiful days. Here in Truro, our posse just experienced the last summer dip into the ocean together on Longnook Beach…and it was exhilarating! TruroYoga has finished-up our outdoor summer classes and we have created our new fall class schedule. The pace of life is beginning to slow down for me and I’ve been deeply invested in a seasonal cleanse for the past 14 days.


During the last couple weeks it has been a joy to think about everyone who was able to attend classes this summer as well as recognize and remember our friends + community members who were unable to be with us. For those of you who joined us this summer in Truro, thank you for your enthusiasm, your renewed commitment to your own practice, and your expressions of gratitude. It is amazing how this whole pandemic has brought to light a renewed appreciation for things that we may have taken for granted at other times. For friends who were unable to be with us in-person this summer, we missed you and felt your absence. Hopefully next summer will be a safer time.

This year’s seasonal cleanse + detox has been noticeably more easeful and effortless for me. Intentionally synced with the natural rhythms of the lunar calendar, my evolving end-of-summer cleansing practices culminate today with the autumn equinox, this day that marks the point of balance between the summer and winter solstices. In classes, I’ve been teaching sama vritti, breath of equal length, inhaling and exhaling equally. The summer season signifies the full inhalation and the autumn & winter months ahead represent a full complete exhalation. We are now exhaling into the fertile darkness—a time to let go, drop-in, and connect within.

It is a natural time and not too late to flush out the fullness of summer. As part of a Living Yoga Practice, there is no strict prescription or regimen but rather I share my knowledge of seasonal cleansing while guiding and supporting another’s personal journey. If this resonates with you, feel welcome to contact me here.

As I promised y’all, here are my latest inspirations and discoveries. Check out the new recipe and this summer’s playlists. As you can see on the schedule, I will be offering classes at the Truro Community Center as well as a weekly evening class at Truro Central School starting at the end of October.

Lastly, I am actively researching destinations for fall/winter 2022 retreats. If the idea of hiking the southwest coast of Portugal in the Alentejado National Park…or foraging for truffles and experiencing the taste of Istrian life in beautiful Bale, Croatia…or exploring the Napa Valley peaks your interest, please reach out. I am open to any suggestions or dreamy retreat ideas.



You’ve Been Asking and Here It Is


An Exciting Time